API - GSAP Plugins
You can use any GSAP plugin for your animations. Don't forget to register them on your web page before using it in Spirit Studio.
💡 Note on licensing. A Spirit Studio license doesn't give you access to GreenSock's bonus plugins. If you'd like to use bonus plugins like drawSVG or morphSVG, make sure to buy a GreenSock license.
import gsap from 'gsap';
import spirit from 'spiritjs';
// the plugins that needs registration
import DrawSVGPlugin from 'gsap/DrawSVGPlugin';
import MorphSVGPlugin from 'gsap/MorphSVGPlugin';
// register the plugins
gsap.registerPlugin(MorphSVGPlugin, DrawSVGPlugin);
// set gsap instance
// load and play the animation (infinitely)
spirit.loadAnimation({ animationData, loop: true });
If you want Spirit to fetch GSAP from CDN, make sure to register the plugins after setup.
Example (web):
<!-- load spirit -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/spiritjs/dist/spirit.js"></script>
<!-- load GSAP bonus plugins (Club Greensock) -->
<script src="gsap/MorphSVGPlugin.js"></script>
<script src="gsap/DrawSVGPlugin.js"></script>
spirit.setup().then(() => {
// GSAP is loaded now.. register plugins
gsap.registerPlugin(MorphSVGPlugin, DrawSVGPlugin);
// load and play the animations
spirit.loadAnimation({ animationData, loop: true });